Friday, July 27, 2012

Coming Soon!

After SoapGecko is relocated we plan on offering soap "loaves".  These are small batches, approximately 2 lbs of soap.  They are rectangle in shape and will be sold whole - not sliced and not wrapped.  The entire loaf will be wrapped in freezer paper and mailed out.  We had a limited trial of selling soap this way and it was really successful.  The small loaves will be $25 each (each loaf generally makes about 7 1/2 bars of soap when cut so it would cost $42 if bought as individual bars).

Here's a preview of some:

These loaves will be offered in both essential oils and fragrance oils as well as unscented.  Organic loaves will also be available.  Because these loaves will be specially made for each customer they can be customized to your taste - single color, swirls, uncolored and so forth.  Keep your eyes open for these coming in the near future!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Well, if you visit our Etsy shop or our site you will know that we are in the process of moving.  If not, you know now!

We are pulling up our southern California roots and transplanting them to Minden, Louisiana (near Shreveport). 

Once we get moved there will be a grand "re-opening" with a sale for the first month to celebrate.

Check back to our blog often for news, updates and general soaping info!